Exactly, I will not change for your desire for conformity! (Sorry People That Can't Handle Adult, Big Kid Words!)
I love this as this is really relevant with what is going on with the horribly bad Rochester Minnesota School Corporation right now. Somehow, in the mix, I did return emails being truthful that I will not allow complete access to the as I called them "Goons" that work at the Edison Building, here in Rochester, MN.
One of the overly sensitive little kids that works on the 2nd floor at the building took offense to the factual statements I used about how the leadership dealing with us so far has acted like goons, mobsters, violated parental rights, our civil rights, done illegal and criminal activities on purpose, ect,, ect.
I simply said they cannot be trusted and so far, that statement has been proven true.
See, they have this problem at the local school corporation with these adult words and the truth being used or the fact you call them out for breaking federal laws, statutes, acts and prefer you act like one of the sheep they employ, the kids they drone conformity to or the parents or former employee's that speak up and they try to silence. (Just Google Rochester School Corporation Minnesota Whistle blower Lawsuit!)
They like to use politically correctness and try to claim that staff was berated, verbally abused or threatened and that wasn't the case, they are just once again distorting the truth and making a narrative that fills their agenda. In as many words, they are lying once again.
I did say that people have been dishonest, have denied us things we should have open access to and the efforts of some people in certain situations has been substandard or sub par.
All of these things are facts, not opinions.
The thing is, I will never conform to your attempts to control me or put me in your pc box. It will never happen. I as a very successful manager in the restaurant world always thought outside the box and was a people person. I fought people in the corporate world on a daily basis, because of the very thought I was being to much of a people person to my employee's.
I continue today to be that same out of the box person and I will not change how I do things for any person or institution.
Olmsted County decided to not follow through on my wife's insurance and turn it on in a timely manner, I let the supervisor of the entire Human Services program know that if she suffers severe harm or dies because of their negligence, I will file a pain and suffering or wrongful death lawsuit and I'll go public.
Once again, I had to be the asshole and I made shit happen.
I will not sit idly by and watch anyone screw with my kids life, my wife's or mine for that matter anymore.
If you cannot do your job right or slow something down by choice, expect an immediate and strong response from me.
So I guess what I'm trying to say in closing, push me, I'll push back.
Be decent to me, I'll be decent back.
Respect me, I'll respect you.
Continue to lie to my face and be dishonest, all bets are off and everything is fair game.
No one in this life has any right to command respect or special treatment from us or me in particular if you continue to be disrespectful, dishonest, cause trouble and not do things how they should be done.
Morals and integrity should be at the fore front, not an after thought people...
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