Another Brick in the Wall?

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Control is an Illusion, Even at the Horrible Rochester MN School Corporation!

Do the elites control society? (link)
At the very least, they have developed techniques to steer it, including incorporating the integrated Pavlovian/Skinnerian conditioned response technique that has been used in animal training and reinforced with an incentive (or scheduled reward). The same concept works on humans, too. The values of compliance are taught to 20th and 21st Century populations through electronic stimulation, opiating foods, misinformation and the illusion of choice.
How Henry David Thoreau Saw Our Hollow Society Coming An uncovered newsreel from the 1960s demonstrates a series of performing ducks and chickens who have been trained to turn on lights, play musical instruments and even dance via Pavlovian conditioning. The basis of these same techniques are used to control the population through various inputs of consumer rewards, cable television, the pageantry of democracy, celebrity role models, gambling, etc. which all reinforce the expected behavior and desired attitudes.

Well, to some degree, in laughable small towns like Rochester, MN, with the over reaching and power hungry local school corporation, they like to think they do.
They use illegal letters trying to ban parents from communicating or attending a kids school simply because they used a "swear" word in communications.
How much of a joke is this? A bunch of uptight cry babies that can't handle a simple cuss word?
I'm not really sure I want you involved in my child's education of you are not thick skinned and can't put on you big girl panties every time a parent calls you out for your 20 plus serious screw-ups now in my kids education since coming here.  

The funny thing was the fact I went to all 3 of my kids IEP evaluation meetings with our lawyers releases in the folder with me, just hoping they'd do the right thing and they chose to be the same asshole's they have always been.
Acting like jerks in insolent children who got mad because I stood up to them and asserted my rights.

News flash, I have done this for years, will continue to do so and nothing you do will ever change my desire to push those dropping the ball in my kids educational future.

If you don't like it, here's a suggestion, start doing your jobs.
If you cannot handle "educated parent's" that have a penchant for making sure shit is done right in their kids schooling, please go work somewhere else.
We are not going to stop our push for excellence and we expect more from you than anyone else in this world.
Care about the kids for once and lets see some new tech in the kids hands, instead of the hired goons that work at the Edison Building.
Lets take a serious look at building kids up and teaching them to be "free thinkers" for once.

I'm not going anywhere, and I'm going to continue to be a loud voice in my kids education.
Anytime there is another huge failure in my kids educational process, I'll be there call you all out.

It's what we caring, responsible parent's do...  (Your welcome!) 

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