Another Brick in the Wall?

Another Brick in the Wall?
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5 Child Damaging Religious Doctrines - Jim Palmer

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I have had the frustration of teacher's at my sons High school Mayo, doing this with Religion and Politics.
Every time I hear more and more about teachers trying to push my child to a certain religious or politcal view point, I get a little mad and then smirk as little as my feelings and suspicions have once again been confirmed.

Teacher's and administrator's in the Rochester School Corporation here in lovely Rochester, Minnesota obviously have a hidden agenda to create Republican, Catholic "sheeple" and doing the right thing, teaching kids to think for themselves, and make their own decisions isn't happening here on any level.

As a strong, well educated independent voter and Christian, I will continue to push my kids to ask questions and question or challenge everything the local robot creating machine pushes down their throats.

MY kids will not be like many people here locally we have experienced thru various interactions. 
A killer example is when we decided to purchase a Ipad Air at the Southside Walmart to put learning and brain games on the device to help with the kids education at school.

The lady who was working security came over after the Ipad had set off the crappy alarm system.
The lady came to check our stuff, no biggy and then questioned what a Ipad was?
I was like what, what rock have you been hiding under for the past ten years lady.
Then she happily gloated that she didn't have a computer at home and didn't believe in any of the tech mumbo jumbo at all.
I couldn't believe what I heard.
No care or desire to read or learn new things online, just a horrible blind happiness to stay full of ignorance.

This is how local government and  the criminally insane school corporation keep their thugs and illegal activities ongoing, they just rely on the fact that so much of the local populace is un or under educated, not staying focuses on current events and they also rely on mob like tactics when the minority in town wise up to their malfeasance.

Think Fox News on a more, smaller scale.

The good things are, with a flood of new employee's and families coming to the area because of explosive growth at the Mayo, this controlled and deliberate brain drain will not be allowed to go on much more longer.

People with money, deep financial pockets and lawyers will help things change and a progressive push will one day become a reality.
The old that is deliberately killing or slowing down growth both in the community and at the schools will be partially replaced by progressives that will often rock the vote and demand changes.

I will eagerly just sit back and watch for this change to happen.
Maybe start going to town council and school board meetings so I can enjoy the "old guard" struggle to keep Rochester a small town and in the 40's and 50's as they are both pushed out of their comfort zones and made to embrace a evolving local population.

The great thing is, if these people continue to stifle needed growth and innovations, they can just be voted out.

That is "change" I can believe in...
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