Apologies, Respect, Decency and Civility is a Two Way Street!
A busy bee (actually my kids education lawyer) told me via email today that the educational mafioso working at the Baldwin building would like a apology for recent comments I made (??) about them.
I find this very odd as I did not make any illegal, attackitive or disruptive comments to them.
I did call them goons and pervayers of immoral and illegal activities which is factually true.
Goon #1, Karla Bollesen, working for the Rochester School Corporation located here in chilly Rochester, Minnesota did send out criminally illegal IEP evaluation meeting letters demanding we come to a meeting at a certain time and date or our kids would be denied FAPE and Special Education Services.
Goon #2, Mrs. Brandt, McKinney-Vento advocate for the local school district failed tremendously in her duties and did not advocate or help the process at all in getting our kids enrolled in the local schools. Instead, she defended local educator's who kept putting up road blocks in our kids getting into school and acted more like an public relations firm for the school, defending poor choices and actions by the educators who found their personal schedules and things of interest more important than our kids getting into school.
Goon #3, Brenda Lewis (Asst. Superintendent) . She along with Mr. Munoz Rochester School Superintendent, openly admitted at a third IEP evaluation meeting that a direct blockaide of all communications had been set up barring my wife from being involved and talking with our kids teachers.
I apologized at the meeting, even though I felt it was wrong for me to do so and Brenda promised me that communications would now be open and free flowing. I later found out through our educational lawyer that she lied and she is the dishonest, person I felt she was. I have this knack for reading people and at the end of the meeting, a bright neon sign shining "FAKE" was glowing over her head. She told me what I wanted to hear to appease me and lied through her teeth.
Great Christian, moral and ethics examples in play at the leadership level here.
Goon #4, Superintendent Mr. Munoz. He openly ignored several requests for us to have a short meeting and discuss the glaring problems with our kids getting into the local school here. After I include the email addresses of local news sources, Federal Department of Education and the Minnesota Department of Education, do I get a response to have a meeting. The only problem is, they choose to not be part of the process and invite the principals of the 3 schools are kids attend. People who had no involvement in the failures and obviously those at the top, don't care or give a s@#t about those doing wrong below them.
After I lose my temper at another huge screw up by Mrs. Brandt and the idiots at the Edison Building, I get a criminal letter denying my rights as a parent in the district and my "civil rights" as a American citizen. Munoz, rather than man up and account for the failures of his staff, uses a rental cop and a joking bad worded letter to think he was put me in my place.
Actually, he challenged me to do a few things and I did.
He challenged me so seek out a lawyer and I did. Grabbed a free lawyer from the St. Paul area that brings balance to our situation.
I also sought out and found two college professors who are advising me on the civil rights issue and how to properly go about drawing public attention and a very public lawsuit, that in theory could go as high at the Supreme Court. In theory it is the kind of public attention that could get people fired and moved on to other opportunities. This isn't about money. It's about justice, karma and moving bad eggs in school leadership onto other opportunities.
He challenged me through his actions, almost a dare to go public. I have and I'm constantly building links from this blog and through connections to other blogs. I found two great educational news resources and I'll continue to get our story out there.
My end goal is 50K unique hits a day and 80-90K total page views per 24 hour period.
I've seen it happen as myself an 2 other writers were part of a political blog that had a penchant for running unique stories no one else did and a few mentions in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and we were on fire traffic wise. I feel confident I can strike gold once again with this blog thing.
With a ton of work and using the same techniques I used for our political blog during President Obama's first election run, the goal is very possible. I did a ton of SEO work, trading links and kept writing a lot of dynamic content.
I did it once, I can do it again. Our blog had a top 1000 ranking in Alexa and people where sharing or stealing posts for their own blogs or in places like Digg.com daily.
That is what I want here and I will keep plugging away till it happens.
They very fact they want an outright apology for calling them what they factually are is a joke.
You act like a goon, mob like character, I'm going to call you what you are and have no qualms telling the whole world.
If you act like professional, respectable community educator's you pretend to be, you will get that title and the respect you deserve.
I will not give you the respect you command under any circumstances.
As I told our lawyer earlier today, I will not apologize to anyone at the Edison Building until the 4 mentioned above apologize in writing to me.
I have laid out several times the wrongs the 4 have done and it will be a cold day in Hell, before anyone gets another one sided apology from me again as that was a total joke the first time around.
I will stand my ground and be as public and outspoken as I need to be, until people start doing the right things.
Besides, I'm already talking to and telling everyone in public I meet and spreading what has gone on and the failures we have experienced.
Growing up, word of mouth was a great tool to spread the truth or rumors quickly and many I talk to aren't surprised at what I have to tell them.
I keep getting the same old, they are doing it again and wow, nothing has changed.
I then nod and laugh as many besides me have the same opinions about the agitators (Kings and Queens above the law) in their golden castle at the Edison Building here in Rochester, Minnesota...
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