Another Brick in the Wall?

Another Brick in the Wall?
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Gay Penguins and the Truth Scare Some People at the Rochester Minnesota School Corporation!

I laugh at the horribly funny attempted book banning gone wrong. This just drives home my point that the leadership who runs this school does as they please, without regards even for their own school boards rules.

2 members of the school board and a Superintendent who think they have "God like" powers in the local community and can impose their will or hatred towards gay people as they see fit.

Even the Bible says, "whatever is done in darkness will come to light", so any inclination that the masses will not find out about lets say, a extreme violation of the IEP process or a horribly criminal and illegal, "civil rights" violation letter from Superintendent Munoz himself, it a poorly thought out plan and set of ideals.

The world will find out that the same problems that have plagued the schools here, culminating from poor leadership at Edison Building have never went away and they still go to great lengths to hide glaring deficiencies.
"Do as we say, not do as we often fail to do," would be a telling and true motto for the crap we have had to deal with on a constant basis. Only with good friends I have in law enforcement where I was raised have I seen more of the, protect our own mindset, than I have witnessed here.

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