Another Brick in the Wall?

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Teen, 17-year-old Erin Cox punished after picking up drunk friend from party? Student Being Punished For Being a Designate Driver? Outrageous!

Teen punished after picking up drunk friend from party - Boston News, New England News, WHDH-TV 7NEWS WHDH.COM

17-year-old Erin Cox punished by her school after picking up a drunk friend from a party. As Erin arrived to pick up her friend, police arrived to break up the party and issued Erin a summons for underage drinking even though she says she didn't drink. Due to the summons, Erin was removed from being a captain of the volleyball team and suspended for five games.

This girl did her friend a huge square and basically came to her aid, stopping her from potentially getting raped, or something way worse and this is how you repay common decency between friends?

Just makes remember the old wise tale or phrase, "No good deeds go unpunished!" 

She did the right thing. The police and the school screwed up major league and no one will eat crow and back track until this chic lawyers up and then the magic will happen.

Why can't these authoritative figures do a proper investigation, admit she wasn't a accomplice in the illegal party, apologize and move on?

Instead, this is going to lead to litigation, more bad press for police and school and if I was a betting man, this will be a win for this girl with a ending double number with six zero's behind it.

Because of egos and poor self policing/ policies, all of the guilty parties involved with lose time, money and/ or their jobs.

In my mind, if you cannot call a spade a spade and man up when you made a blatant error, you deserve to pay the ultimate price for your ignorance.

WHDH-TV 7News Boston


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