Another Brick in the Wall?

Another Brick in the Wall?
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Our Mayo High School Freshman Son's IEP Meeting Went Surprisingly Well! Communication, Not Sure? Possible Positive Outlook Moving Forward...

Everything went kind of tongue and cheek as expected.
Typical IEP stuff, this is our plan, this is what we want to do, ect, ect.

My only objections where the same as before and a continued push I will have moving forward into the actual IEP meeting and the finalized plan.

They once again wanted a complete set/ release of his past medical records and I blatantly said no.
For one there is no need.
And originally it was on their documented plan for the evaluation process, even though the plan didn't call for a "other disabilities" justification to meet the states rules for special services.

Once again, a school wants to go on a fishing expedition with my kids medical past, I don't trust their motives or ability to follow the rules of the law (HIPPA or ADA) and I have a huge general mistrust of them after what we both experienced simply for speaking up and not doing the "conformist" thing.

As we discussed, the ban of communication was supposed to be lifted last Friday at the first meeting.
Not one soul has contacted me via email about concerns with our sons education.
They have contacted my wife, but I feel somehow, I'm still be shuttered out.
Even at the meeting, 70% of the people where talking to my wife only and practically ignoring that I was even present. A lot of no eye contact, smirks and even comments to certain things I was saying about our sons plans for his future and our expectations.

I was supposed to get a letter sent home with our son, that I fill out and return to the school, basically granting us real time access to a electronic grade book system so we can see grades and assignments in "real time." 

It never came?

You want me to lower my mistrust feelings and think you have my kids best interests at heart and I cannot get a simple letter sent home so we can directly monitor his grades and his progress with turning in homework?

I mean, wow, I still I cannot and some of my initial reservations and questions still hold true.

Communication is a vital tool in business (used to be a manager at different levels)  and in a kids education, and somewhere still, their is glitch in the Matrix and we aren't making the proper, well timed connections.

If there is any type of problem, and it cannot get communicated in a proper manner, we cannot as a team, parents and educators, get in front of a issue.
Instead, we are stuck playing catch up, and personally, I don't enjoy being behind in any game or situation.

"A ounce of prevention, is better than a pound of cure", C'mon people, the basic idea here is simple.

Whether or not you want to buy in and agree, that's a whole different, long post.... 

   This is my optimistic attitude moving forward. Progress takes time and unfortunately you have to co-exist within a frame work that grinds to a halt sometimes.  (maybe only in perspective)

I do sometimes wish, as a caring parent deeply involved in my kids educations by choice, that the processes involved would be little more efficient, but I also realize, upgrades in efficiency often mean retraining or technological upgrades that many cash strapped school districts just can't handle right now. 

It's more of a dream/ vision, or a personal wish than a possible reality right now.

Not that they aren't trying, they just can only do so much with what they are given.


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