Another Brick in the Wall?

Another Brick in the Wall?
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Where in the world are those missing Ipads? Not in student's hands!

I'm glad to see I'm not the only cool cat in town to question the magical I pads that never fell into students hands at Rochester Public Schools - Independent School District #535.

They did though find their way into school building leaders hands and employee's at the Edison Building amazingly.

Thank you Lord, Superintendent Michael Munoz made a I-miracle happen for those who needed the high tech devices the most!

I'm actually one of the parent's who believe that kids need to embrace a technology based future, so I will surround them with these things without waiting for school administrators who don't care and move just a pinch faster than a parked car.

I truly believe many Amish communities will see a laptop/ I pad program or tech push, before it ever happens here...
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