Great resources about homeschooling, ClickSchooling and the Homefires Journal!
Facts when you are thinking homeschooling is the route to take for your children: link here
ClickSchooling - FREE, Web-Based Curriculum Idea Every Day — Monday Through Saturday! link
One of the best homeschooling blogs/ journals I have encountered so far in my research after choosing educational and intellectual freedom for my children: link
In recent days, and in my dealings with public school officials, especially in Lawrence Indiana and Rochester Minnesota, I have seen some of the most immoral, insane, criminally unethical actions taken by those tasked with keeping my disabled children on IEP's safe.
They don't follow IEP's,federal or state education laws, school rules, bus safety regulations, even their own school board rules, rulings and regulations, but they are the first person to threaten, harass and legally threaten parents who question them or challenge their ineptness or continuous failures often.
That is the biggest reason we as parents chose to go the homeschooling route.
We can guarantee our kids safety, not have to constantly fight with a school cabal and anal attendance policies that do not account for disabled children's multiple medical obligations and a general, we don't care attitude that is prevelant, especially here in Rochester Minnesota.
For example, I've lost count of the many times I have emailed my sons special education resources person at the local Mayo High School asking him about strategies, tips and resources to help my teen freshman with classes he was close to getting D's and I never got a response back.
I asked for the same open communications with my kids attending Phoenix Academy and Bamber Valley Elementary, and got nothing in letters, emails and voice mails me and my wife sent repeatedly.
Basically, if I'm seeing things for what they are, the local schools and the teachers don't like parents that are super active in their kids education. If you ask serious questions or ask them to help you help your kid, they just ignore your communications like they were never sent.
This is a very bad or horrible control tactic and really sends the wrong message to those parents who want their kids to excel.
I believe this ideology is the running policy here.
"We will contact you when we need information immediately, but if you contact us, good luck, as your kid or helping him or her, just isn't our problem!"
They here at the Rochester Public Schools have a pretty website, a very bad ran Twitter account by the Superintendent Michael Munoz and a Facebook page that are all geared around pushing a image that just isn't backed by truth or reality.
Trust me when I say, I have personal experience, their propaganda is just that, a well rehearsed, well oiled machine trying to keep the illusion alive that they are making a difference in the community.
In reality, the aren't...
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